For defect removal, the most prominent attribute of a
requirements specification is its testability.[1]
-- Robert Dunn
Acceptance tests are the functional specifications of XP. Each story
card is elaborated in one or more scripts by the customer. The test
suite is run regularly on the entire application, and the programmers
can use the scripts to diagnose implementation defects.
The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate how the customer can
create automated acceptance tests. Acceptance tests are explained in
general and with example test scripts. An alternative approach
called, data-driven testing, is presented that allows the customer to
generate tests using ordinary office software, such as, spreadsheets
and word processors.
Acceptance Tests
Acceptance tests, also known as, customer tests
and functional tests, validate the customer's
view of the application. They are distinct from unit tests, which validate the
programmer's view of the software internals. The
programmers help write acceptance tests, but as with writing story
cards, the customer needs to be involved directly. Otherwise,
customer expectations probably won't be met by the application.
When writing tests, the customer fills in the details the story cards
leave out. Each test encodes one or more specific user scenarios.
When the test runs, it performs the same actions a user would, and,
ideally, validates what the user would see. An acceptance test
simulates the user automatically.
Acceptance tests need to be automated to be effective XP tools.
You can write manual tests, that is, tests where a person acts as the
simulated user.
However, manual tests don't fit well with XP, because they don't
provide the consistent, instantaneous feedback that XPers crave.
Manual tests have their place, and the existing literature covers them
This book is about empowering teams to use XP, and manual tests are
not tools in a typical XP project.[3]
The trade-off between a manual and automated test is cost. Automation
has a higher up front cost, but in XP the cost is amortized quickly.
Acceptance tests are run nightly or more frequently in an XP project.
When dealing with physical devices, such as printers, automation is
expensive. For typical Perl applications, however, inertia is a greater
barrier to automation than cost.
I take a top-down approach to overcome automation inertia. Let the
customer write or specify the test, and then figure out how to
implement it. Tests can be implemented partially yet still be
valuable. As always in XP, take it one step at a time, and do the
simplest thing that could possibly work.
I'm Gonna Buy Me a Dog[4]
The examples that follow test PetShop, a demonstration, open
source, online pet store.[5]
The specifics of the scripts could apply to most online stores so
you don't need to try PetShop to read the examples. Potential buyers
add items to a shopping cart while they browse or search a
hierarchical catalog. To complete the check out, they must login or
This first script tests several ways to find a Corgi, a small herding
dog. The stories tested by the script are:
Organize catalog hierarchically by category, breed, and animal for
Allow buyers to search for animals by keyword(s).
The test script in Perl syntax is:
add_to_cart('Female Puppy Corgi');
add_to_cart('Female Puppy Corgi');
add_to_cart('Female Puppy Corgi');
search_for('dogs wales');
add_to_cart('Female Puppy Corgi');
The first line in the script tells the test framework[6]
what we are testing.
test_setup establishes the functions, or
actions, used by the test. Since this is an online store, the actions
include: home_page,
and add_to_cart.
Acceptance test scripts are similar to the script to a movie or play.
The roles are the user and the computer. The script shows the user
role, or what the user does and expects to see. For example, the
second section of the script follows the site's hierarchy to put a dog
in the cart. It goes to the home page, selects the
Dogs animal category, drills down to the
Corgi breed, and, finally, puts a Female
Puppy Corgi into the cart. These are the actions of an
ordinary user.
The test script is run through an interpreter,
a program that translates the functions into interactions with the
application. The programmers implement the functions on demand for
the customer. The functions are responsible for checking the
computer's role in the script. For example, this test script states
that the user clicks on the Dogs link on the home
page. If the Dogs link is missing from the home
page or spelled incorrectly, the follow_link
action stops and indicates that the test script has failed. This
approach is called fast fail, and makes it easy
to write and maintain test scripts. In keeping with the movie script
analogy, it's like when the director sees computer screwing up its
lines, and yells, "cut!". Everybody stops. The
director corrects what's wrong, and the actors start over again.
The next section tests the search facility. We should be able to find
our dog by searching for corgi,
CORGI, and dogs wales.
We aren't particularly interested in Corgis[7],
rather our goal is to test that the search mechanism is
case-insensitive and supports multiple words. And, most importantly,
the list of search results allows the buyer to place found animals in their
cart easily.
Shoppers should be given an opportunity to buy what they find.
Group Multiple Paths
The previous example demonstrated testing multiple paths, that is,
different ways of doing the same thing. In one case, we searched for
a Female Puppy Corgi hierarchically, and then we
used the search box to find the same dog using different keywords.
Here is another example that demonstrates multiple paths:
add_to_cart('Rattleless Rattlesnake');
remove_from_cart('Rattleless Rattlesnake');
add_to_cart('Large Angelfish');
update_cart('Large Angelfish', 0);
This example tests the two ways you can remove animals from the cart.
remove_from_cart uses a button labeled
Remove to delete the item from the cart.
update_cart allows buyers to change the quantity
desired. Setting it to zero should have the same effect as
Most applications allow you to do something in more than one way, like
in this example. Grouping similar functions in the same test is
another organizational technique for your acceptance test suite. It
also provides an opportunity to talk about an application
cross-functionally. The creation of test scripts is a collaborative
effort, much like pair programming. This sort of detailed matters,
and probably won't come up during the planning game. The details
emerge when the stories and their acceptance tests are being
implemented. The test suite opens a communication channel between the
programmers and the customer to discuss application consistency and
other technical details, such as what to do when the user enters an
unexpected value.
Without Deviation, Testing Is Incomplete
The acceptance test suite also checks that the application handles
unexpected input gracefully. For example, if the user enters an
incorrect login name, the application should tell the user
not found or something similar. The technical
term for this is deviance testing. It's like
kicking the tires or slamming the car into reverse while driving on
the highway. The previous examples are conformance
tests, because they only validate
using the application for its intended purpose. When you write a
deviance test, you break the rules in order to ensure the application
doesn't do the wrong thing, such as displaying a stack trace instead
of an error message or allowing unauthorized access.
For example, here's how we test login conformance and deviance of the
login_as('demo', 'password');
login_as('DEMO', 'password');
login_as('', 'password');
login_as('Demo@Bivio.Biz', 'password');
test_deviance('does not match');
login_as('demo', 'PASSWORD');
test_deviance('must supply a value');
login_as('demo', '');
login_as('', 'password');
test_deviance('not found');
login_as('notuser', 'password');
login_as("demo'||'", 'password');
login_as('%demo%', 'password');
The first section tests conformance. We login as
demo and DEMO to test that user
names can be case insensitive. The PetShop allows you to login with
an email address, case insensitively.
Passwords are case sensitive, however. The next section expects the
application to return an error message that contains does not
match when given a password in the wrong case. This is a
deviance test, and the test_deviance that begins
the next section tells the test framework that the subsequent
statements should fail and what the expected output should contain.
This is an example where the test script specifies the
computer's role as well as the user's.
The application should ask the user to supply a value, if either the
login name or password fields on the form are blank. The next section
tests this. This case might be something a programmer would suggest
to the customer. The customer might decide that must supply
a value is too computer-like, and ask the programmer to
change the application to say something like, Please enter
your login ID or email address.
In the last section, we test a variety of not found
cases. The first case assumes that notuser is not
a user in the system. The test suite database is constructed so that
this is the case. The last two cases are highly technical, and are
based on the programmer's knowledge of the application internals, that
is, SQL, a database programming language, is used to find the user.
Some applications do not correctly validate application input, which
can allows the user unauthorized access to system internals. This is
how computer virii and worms work. This test case validates that the
user name is checked by the application before it is used in a
low-level SQL statement. If the user name syntax is not checked by
the application, one of the last two cases might allow the user to
login, and the deviance test would fail.
Note that we didn't test notuser without a
password. It's not likely that an invalid user could login without a
password when a valid user couldn't. In testing parlance, the two
tests are in the same equivalence class. This
means we only need to test one case or the other but not both.
We use equivalence classes to reduce the size of the test
suite. A large application test suite will have thousands of
cases and take hours to run. It's important to keep the runtime as
short as possible to allow for frequent testing. And, as always, the
less code to do what needs to get done, the better.
Subject Matter Oriented Programming
Another way to minimize test length is letting the problem, also known
as subject matter, guide the development of the functions used by the
scripts. The customer is probably not a programmer. Moreover, the
customer's terminology has probably been refined to match her subject
matter. The programmers should let the customer choose the function
names, and the order and type of the function parameters. The
language she uses is probably near optimal for the subject and
The process of bringing the program to the problem is what I call,
subject matter oriented programming (SMOP). It
is what XP strives for: creating an application that speaks the
customer's language. The acceptance test suite is probably the
customer's most important design artifact, because it encodes the
detailed knowledge of what the application is supposed to do. If she
or her co-workers can't read the tests, the suite's value is greatly
The design and implementation of the acceptance test suite evolves as
the customer encodes her knowledge. The programmer may need to help
the customer to identify the vocabulary of the subject matter.
Subject matter experts sometimes have difficulty expressing what they
do succinctly. The programmer needs to be part linguist, just like
Larry Wall, Perl's inventor. Unlike other language designers, Larry
lets the problems programmers face dictate the solution (the
programming language) they use. Perl is not prescriptive, in
linguistics terms, but descriptive, evolving to meet the language used
by programmers, not the other way around.
Enough theory. I'm in danger of getting lost in the solution myself.
If you are a programmer, you'll learn how to implement a subject
matter oriented program in the It's a SMOP chapter.
I'll get back to the customer, and another method by which she can
create the acceptance test suite.
Data-Driven Testing
The test examples up to this point have been written in Perl syntax.
While I fully believe just about anybody can follow these simple
syntactic conventions, customers may balk at the idea. Ward
Cunningham, a well-known XPer, has taken subject matter oriented
programming to a new level. His framework for intergrated testing
(FIT) lets customers write acceptance tests in their own language
using their own tools, office applications, such as, word processors
and spreadsheets. Here's the login test translated as a FIT document:
FIT Login
FIT ignores all text in the document except for tabular text. The
tables contain the text inputs and expected outputs. This allows the
customer to document the test, and to have one document which contains
many tests. The order of the columns and what they are for is worked
out between the customer and the programmer. Once that's done, the
framework does the rest.[8]
Just like the Perl examples earlier, the customer must specify the
test language interpreter, PetShop. In this
type of FIT test, the customer enters actions
(login) on a row-by-row basis. The programmer
can create new actions. The cells to the right of the action name are
parameters. The login action accepts a user
name, a password, and an error message. If the there's no error
message, login tests that the login was
The subject matter may suggest a different organization for the
tables. For example, here's a denser test format for a simple math
FIT Math
As with the login test, the first line contains the test language
interpreter, SimpleMath. The next row lists
the actions in a columnar format. The first action sets an
x value, the next sets y,
and the last two columns test adding (sum))
and subtracting (diff). The subsequent rows
contain a test in each cell of the table. The first row sets
x and y to
and 2 and tests that sum
and diff return 3 and
-1. As you can see,
this kind of FIT test gives the customer a clear overview
of the acceptance test data using an ordinary word processor. With
this style of testing, customers can create spreadsheets using
The general term for using documents as test inputs is called
data-driven testing. And, sometimes there's no
practical alternative to using tabular data. On one project we
developed, we needed to test the correctness of a pre-marital
evaluation tool. Each partner in a couple had to answer 350
questions. The scoring algorithm related the couple's answers for
compatibility. The customer had supplied us with the questions,
answers, scores, and weights in tabular format. When we asked for
acceptance test data, he simply added the answers for test couples in
another column, and we generated the test suite by parsing out the
data. As it turned out, the test data uncovered several areas that
were misunderstood by the programmers. Without customer generated
test data, the software would have contained critical defects.
Empower The Customer to Test
Whether the customer uses a spreadsheet, a word processor, or Perl,
she can write tests. And, she needs to. No one else on the
team knows the subject matter better than she does.
Getting started is the hardest part. Take the simplest and most
straightforward part of the application. Write a test outline for it
together on the whiteboard. Implement that test, and run it
After the first steps, you'll fill in more and more detail. As the
suite grows with the implementation, the application will benefit from
the regular exercise. The programmers will gain deeper insight into
the subject matter. The customer will see the quality improve
firsthand. And, everybody will benefit from the well-structured
knowledge base encoded by your acceptance test suite.
Software Defect Removal, Robert Dunn,
McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1984, p. 28.
Testing Computer Software by Cem Kaner et al is
an excellent book about classical testing and quality assurance.
In Testing Extreme Programming, Lisa Crispin
and Tip House state that "All acceptance tests on an Extreme
Programming project must be automated" and devote an entire
chapter to explain why.
I want to go on record that I do not promote buying animals in
stores. Buy animals from a reputable breeder, or better yet, adopt
a pet from your local animal shelter.
Visit to
see it live and to browse the source.
The idea was inspired by Sun Microsystems, Inc.'s J2EE
Blueprint Pet Store.
Programmers: This chapter is devoted to explaining to the customer's
view of acceptance testing, not the programmer's. The test script
interpreter consists of a few lines of Perl, and uses
eval and AUTOLOAD. You
could write this yourself, or download my company's open source
implementation from
Or other high-energy small dogs.
Thanks to Brian Ingerson for implementing Test-FIT,
and making it available on CPAN.
SimpleMath and the test data were adapted
from Test-FIT, version 0.11, on CPAN.